Sometimes when you're having an issue with your game and you need support, you may be asked for a "trace" to help figure out what's going on. A trace is like a detailed log of what's happening in the game and can help the developers pinpoint what's causing performance drops or other issues.
To make a trace, you'll need to download a program called UIforETW. You can get it from this website: Make sure you download the zip file with the program inside, not just the source code.
Once you've downloaded it, extract it to a folder on your computer and open the "bin" folder. Launch UIforETW.exe and then start playing your game. When the issue happens, or if you're trying to reproduce it, click the "Start Tracing" button (or use the shortcut Ctrl+Win+R).
Let the trace run for a few minutes, but don't leave it running for too long as it can make large files. When you're ready to stop the trace, click "Save Trace Buffers" (or use the shortcut Ctrl+Win+R again).
The trace will save to your documents folder by default (usually C:\users\xxxx\Documents\etwtraces). You can then upload this file to a public file hosting service like Google Drive or DropMeFiles and share the link with the agent helping you.