Creating a license key for your server is easy!
Just head over to and click "New server" in the navigation menu.
From there, fill out your server's details.
Please note that the "Initial server IP address" field must match the public IP of the PC/server hosting the server. To find your public IP, you can use a website like, which will give you both your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (if you have one). Don't worry, you only need your IPv4 address for the initial server IP field.
Once you've completed the form, you'll be redirected to your new server page where you can copy your license key.
Please remember that the key must be used on a PC/server with an IP address that matches the IP listed in the initial IP field.
If the IP addresses do not match, your server will not start, and you will receive an error message stating "Your key is not matching the initial IP address sufficiently."